Hi guys! It’s me again! Nice to see you/meet you (in case you’ve never been here before). I’m pleased to start this new section about English learning. In this case, I would like to show you, through some examples, some of the most common idioms in English. in this case it’s time to show you the word ACT!
Hola chicos! Yo de nuevo! Encantado de conocerte/volver a verte (en caso de que sea la primera vez que te pases por aquí). Estoy encantado de empezar esta nueva sección referente al aprendizaje del inglés. En este caso, me gustaría mostrarte, a través de algunos ejemplos, algunas de las expresiones más comunes del inglés. Hoy es el turno de mostrarte la palabra ACT (actuar)!
A balancing ACT
Be caught in the ACT
Clean up your ACT
Get in/be in on the ACT
Get your ACT together
A hard ACT to follow
A balancing ACT
A situation in which you try to satisfy two or more opposing groups or sets of ideals.
Una situación en la que intentas satisfacer a dos o más grupos.
Mr Alia is performing a delicate balancing act. He talks of reform, but clings to old certainties.
Be caught in the ACT
To be seen doing something secret or wrong.
Ser visto haciendo algo secreto o malo.
The men were caught in the act of digging up buried explosives.
In this expression, ‘act’ refers to the act of doing something.
En esta expresión, ‘act’ se refiere al hecho de hacer algo.
Clean up your ACT
To improve your behaviour and start to act in a more socially responsible way
Mejorar tu comportamiento y comenzar a actuar de una manera más sociablemente responsable.
The Minister warned the press that privacy laws would be implemented if newspapers didn’t clean up their act.
Get in/be in on the ACT
To start doing something which someone else was doing first, so that you share their success or win and advantage.
Comenzar a hacer algo que alguien también estaba haciendo primero, con el objetivo de compartir ese éxito o incluso tomar ventaja.
The company’s reputation has reached the United States, and American investors have been trying to get in on the act.
Get your ACT together
To take control of yourself and organize your activities more effectively in order to be more successful.
Tomar control de ti mismo y organizar tus actividades más eficientemente para lograr ser más exitoso.
We’re going to be 22 points down by Monday, and we’ve got to get our act together.
A hard ACT to follow
Someone who is so impressive or effective that it is difficult for anyone else who comes after them to be a good.
Alguien que es tan efectivo e impresionante que es difícil para cualquiera poder superarlo.
He was a hard act to follow -a brilliant intellectual with long experience as an observer of the economic scene.