Hi everyone! I’m here again to show you another new idiom. In this case, I’ll show you two idioms about ‘action’. Let’s get it started!
Hola a todos! Estoy aquí de nuevo para mostrarte otra nueva expresión. En este caso, te mostraré dos expresiones sobre ‘action’. Vamos a empezar!
Fight a rearguard ACTION
A slide/a piece of the ACTION
Fight a rearguard ACTION
To try hard to stop something happening, without much hope of success.
Intentar por todos los medios parar algo que está sucediendo, sin mucha esperanza de lograr pararlo.
National telephone companies are fighting a rearguard action against competition from beyond their frontiers.
The rearguard of a retreating army is a unit which separates from the rest and acts as a defence while the rest of the army is getting away.
La retaguardia de un ejército en retirada es una unidad que se separa del resto y actúa como defensa mientras el resto del ejército se escapa.
A slide/a piece of the ACTION
Involvement in an activity which seems exciting and likely to succeed or make money.
Estar implicado en una actividad que parece emocionante y con altas probabilidades de tener éxito o ganar dinero.
As the British rap scene grows in strength, the Americans are becoming keener to grab a slice of the action.